FDComm's 1st Dance Performance

Celebrating 20 Years Of Outdoor Dancing!

Spotlight: FDComm’s First Performance
By Nicoloco · Dec 14th, 2023

Happy Friday! Word count: 1,140 words … 4.09 min. Copy edited by Nicoloco

Dear friends and fellow dancers!

Thank you for joining us once again. In under five minutes, enjoy a brief dance digest intended to boost your well-being. If this message reached you via someone else, sign up to receive our complimentary weekly email.

Dance Quote: Dancers don’t need wings to fly

FDComm's First Performance

Firstly, I'm thrilled to take you down memory lane with two remarkable videos. The first two videos capture the vibrant energy and unforgettable moments from last year's outdoor dance event, FDFest 2023. It was a day filled with rhythm, laughter, and community spirit, and I'm sure it will bring back some fantastic memories. The following one from 2004 is a real gem - a glimpse into our dance world from 20 years ago! I felt some goosebumps as I watched these videos again. Enjoy!

1st Performance
A group of friends got together over the summer of 2004 after visiting Montreal and witnessed outdoor Salsa dancing. We wanted to duplicate that here in Guelph, and this was our 1st performance for all of us. The event then was called ‘Salsa In The Park’, a name it retained for many years.

• Choreographers: Faddoul - 95% | Nico - 5%
• Dancers: Faddoul, Sandra, Lindsay, Gio, Eve, Judy & Nico
• Location: Royal City Park, Guelph, Ontario

Subject title: From Salsa to Self-Discovery

I remember the first time I stood at the edge of a dance floor, watching a whirl of dancers moving effortlessly to the vibrant beats of Salsa and Bachata. It was mesmerizing yet intimidating. There I was, with two left feet and a heart full of doubts, wondering if I could ever be part of this enchanting world.

Taking the Leap

Taking the first step was daunting. I recall my first Salsa class – the awkwardness of my movements, the challenge of keeping up with the rhythm. But what stood out to me the most was the inclusiveness of the dance community. People of all ages and backgrounds were united by their passion for dance, and this diversity was inspiring.

Finding Your Rhythm

Learning Latin dance is like learning a new language, one that speaks through movements rather than words. For beginners, it's about breaking down barriers, both physical and mental. I used to think that I needed some inherent 'dance talent' to start, but that’s far from the truth. Latin dance is for everyone – it's about expression, not perfection.

Personal Anecdote

One of my students retold an unforgettable moment when they first truly felt the music in a Bachata class. They claimed I said, "Let the rhythm guide you," and somehow, it clicked. Their steps aligned with the beats, and were no longer just executing steps; they were feeling the music. That was a pivotal moment for them – when dance transitioned from being a series of steps to a form of expression.

When I first started Latin dancing, my aim was simple – to learn a new skill and maybe have a bit of fun. Little did I know, I was embarking on a journey that would significantly enhance both my physical and mental wellness.

A Symphony of Health Benefits

Latin dance is a full-body workout. Those exhilarating Salsa spins, the graceful movements of Rumba, and the rhythmic steps of Bachata are not just dance moves; they're a form of exercise that engages your entire body. I remember feeling muscles I didn't know existed after my first few classes! Regularly dancing improved my cardiovascular health, balance, and agility. It's a fun way to stay fit without feeling like you're 'working out' in the traditional sense.

Mental Health Booster

However, the benefits of Latin dance extend far beyond physical health. For me, dance sessions became an oasis of stress relief. Each step on the dance floor was a step away from the day's worries and anxieties. The focus required to master dance routines also meant that, for those moments, my mind was clear of anything else – a form of moving meditation, if you will.

Personal Reflection

There were evenings when I walked into class burdened with stress, only to leave feeling rejuvenated and lighter. Dance has this incredible way of elevating mood – it's like the rest of the world fades away, and all that matters is the music and your connection to it. This mental uplift, I found, is not just temporary; it has had a long-lasting positive impact on my overall mental wellness

Illustration: A couple dancing

DANCE-VENTURES | Last Friday Night Salsa Fix in 2023
Where can I dance tonight? BDSM Night Part II

This Friday will be our last public social dance night at the studio in 2023. We hope you will join us in celebrating Nemanja’s birthday. The group lesson will continue until Thursday, December 21st.
Who is Nemanja?

Rebecca May, our Bachata Instructor will be joining us this Friday, December 15th, 2023. She will be teaching an intermediate Bachata Class at 8:00 pm. FYI, she will be teaching the Bachata Dance Performance Training class starting on Wednesday, January 24th, 2024. If you have any questions about the performance training, please come out and ask her for a dance!

Friday Night Salsa Fix | Last Friday in 2023

Holiday hours: Dec. ‘23 to Jan. ‘24

A quick reminder about our Christmas holiday hours. Please share with anyone who does not receive this newsletter updating them on when we are closed, thank you.
• December 15th - last Friday Night Salsa Fix (FNSF) in 2023
• December 20th - last group class in 2023
• December 22 to January 4th, 2024

• Friday, January 5th - FNSF Reopens
• Tuesday, January 9th - Salsa & Bachata Group lessons | Levels 1 & 2
• Monday, February 5th - West Coast Swing Group Lessons | Levels 1 & 2

Winter Dance Registrations: Levels 1 to 4

FDComm Dance Instructors

To keep you grooving at home, I've selected some excellent online line-dancing videos that are not only incredibly fun but also offer challenges suited for both beginners and those at a medium skill level. These videos are designed to be easy to follow, ensuring that you can effortlessly add a delightful twist to your dance moves, giving you that extra pep in your step. Enjoy!

We update some sections regularly and love to keep things fresh and exciting. We hope you enjoy the variety!

P.S. Expect to hear from us weekly in your inbox, with the occasional extra update when something exceptionally great comes up 🥰

♥️ Looking forward to our next connection in your inbox!