Happy New Year from the Flying Dance Community!

10 Global Dances celebrating the New Year!

Spotlight: Did You Know ~ A Tapestry of Celebration
By Nicoloco · Dec 31, 2023

Happy Sunday! Word count: 484 words … 1.46 min. Copy edited by Nicoloco

Hi there dance friends!

Thank you for joining us once again. In under five minutes, enjoy a brief dance digest intended to boost your well-being. If this message reached you via someone else, sign up to receive our complimentary weekly email.

Dance Quote: "Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance."

- Oprah Winfrey

I want to extend my warmest wishes to every one of you. May the new year be one of joyous adventures and discoveries. Whether you find yourself swaying to the rhythm of a familiar tune or exploring the steps of a dance unknown, may each day bring you closer to the experiences that life offers. Let 2024 be a year where you embrace new opportunities with enthusiasm, where every challenge is a step toward growth, and every moment is cherished.


As a dance instructor and a bit of a student of history, I've always been intrigued by the intricate dance between our calendars and cultural celebrations, especially when it comes to the universal language of dance. Today, I invite you on a delightful journey through time and across the globe. Together, we'll explore how the Gregorian and Chinese calendars have shaped our understanding of time and delve into the diverse world of dance traditions that enliven New Year celebrations in various cultures.

Let's start by stepping back in time to understand the origins of the calendar system most of us use today - the Gregorian calendar.

Section 1: The Gregorian Calendar: Tracing its Roots

A. Historical Origins

The story of the Gregorian calendar, which we all glance at on our phones or hang on our walls, actually begins in 1582. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII (hence the name) as a way to correct the inaccuracies of the Julian calendar. The Julian calendar, established by Julius Caesar, was a bit off in its calculation of the solar year by about 11 minutes (Leap Year Stuff). Doesn't sound like much, but over centuries, those minutes added up, and important events like Easter were drifting further away from their intended seasons.


MOVEMENT WITH STYLE: Bachata Dance Performance Training
Wanna Perform in the New Year? Please fill out the survey below

MOVEMENT WITH STYLE: Lady’s Styling Workshop
Wanna Perform in the New Year? Please fill out the form below

We update some sections regularly and love to keep things fresh and exciting. We hope you enjoy the variety!

P.S. Expect to hear from us weekly in your inbox, with the occasional extra update when something exceptionally great comes up 🥰

♥️ Looking forward to our next connection in your inbox!

♥️ Happiest of New Year to you!