How Dance Can Change Your Life

Building Stronger Relationships on and off the Floor

Spotlight: Partner Dancing
By Nicoloco · Jan 13, 2024

Happy Saturday! Word count: 657 words … 2.23 min. Copy edited by Nicoloco

Hi there dance friends!

Thank you for joining us, it’s good to see you again. In under five minutes, enjoy a brief dance digest intended to boost your well-being, especially on this wet wintery morning. If this message reached you via someone else, sign up to receive our complimentary weekly email.

Dance Quote: ???

Last night, amidst the familiar shapes and colours of the dance studio, and as

The winter storm brewed intensely outside, I enjoyed the peaceful contrast that would have been the vibrant energy of the dance studio on a Friday Night (we closed due to the storm).

My mind wandered about this past Wednesday evening's classes, Level 4 Salsa Dancing. It was my 1st time teaching this year, 2024. Our current group of students, now with us for eight months, has grown in skill and confidence, shaping the way we communicate and share the art of dance. Alongside me was a fellow dance teacher, bringing over a decade of experience to the floor. As the classes unfolded, I found myself in awe of our collaboration. Her insights into the mechanics of dance movements deepened the learning experience, not just for the students but for me as well. For two hours, (I taught for one hour, she, the other), we danced complementing and building upon each other's expertise. It was a testament to the power of effective communication – a cornerstone not just in dance, but in all forms of relationship.

Over the many years of teaching Latin dance to a diverse array of students, I've come to realize a profound truth: the principles governing successful communication in dance are strikingly similar to those that nurture and sustain personal relationships. At the heart of this parallel is rhythm – a concept far deeper than just a sequence of beats in a musical track. In partner dance, rhythm is the silent language that orchestrates movement, fosters connection, and builds trust. It's a language that, when mastered, can teach us invaluable lessons about how we relate to others in our lives.

This article invites you on a journey to explore the role of rhythm as a fundamental element of nonverbal communication in partner dance. We'll delve into how the skills honed on the dance floor can mirror, and even enhance, the dynamics of our relationships. Whether you're in your 30s or 60s, whether you're looking to change your life or simply learn something new, understanding the language of rhythm can offer a new perspective on communication and connection.

Let the Music Begin…. Read More Here

Even though our Friday Night Salsa Fix was closed last night, you can still get your Latin dance fix this weekend. And if not, next Friday!

Where Can I Dance Tonight?

• Saturday, January 13th: DTK Latin Night Saturday @Walper Hotel

• Sunday, January 14th: The Sunday Mid-Day Fix

• Next Friday, January 19th: Theme Party ~ Great Gatsby Latin Fiesta

Start Living 2024 to the Fullest! 🌟 Explore our exciting new class lineup below and embark on a year filled with dance, fun, and unforgettable moments. Celebrate 20 years of FD Living, and let's make every step count! 💃🕺 
SAVE 15% on any of the following dance classes.

Line Dancing and Island Dance Fitness
Dance Style: Salsa dancing with Nemanja

Dance Style: Bachata dancing with Rebecca May

Dance Style: Casino Rueda Dancing with Tova and Tino

We update some sections regularly and love to keep things fresh and exciting. We hope you enjoy the variety!

P.S. Expect to hear from us weekly in your inbox, with the occasional extra update when something exceptionally great comes up 🥰

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