Welcome to Flying Dance Living - Your Weekly Dance & Wellness Guide!

Spotlight: Introducing FD Living
By Nicoloco · Nov 29, 2023

Happy Sunday! Word count: ??? 344 words … 1.5 min. Copy edited by ??? ???

Hi there dance friends!

I hope this email finds you in good rhythm!

I'm thrilled to introduce you to "Flying Dance Living," our newly launched newsletter that's all about celebrating the joy of dance and its incredible benefits for our cognitive and overall well-being.

Dance Quote: There are shortcuts to happiness, dancing is one of them

Vicki Baum

Why "Flying Dance Living"?

As we mark FDComm's 20th anniversary, we've decided to share our dance story with you. It's been a journey filled with memorable steps and turns, and we're excited for what the next dance beat brings. This newsletter was created to keep you in step with:

Studio Updates & New Offerings: Be the first to know about what's fresh and exciting at our studio and the overall dance community

Meet Our Growing Team: Learn about the passionate individuals behind our dance community.
Dance Ambassadors Spotlight: Get inspired by stories from our dedicated dance ambassadors.
Dance Stories & Health Tips (food): Discover how dance can uplift not just your mood but also your mind.
Longevity: How to keep young and dancing forever.

Holiday hours: Dec. ‘23 to Jan. ‘24

This year, we will be closed during the Christmas holidays. Please share with anyone who does not receive this newsletter updating them on when we are closed, thank you.
• December 15th - last Friday Night Salsa Fix (FNSF) in 2023
• December 20th - last group class in 2023
• December 22 to January 4th, 2024
[special drop-in fundraising class ~ Casino Rueda Dancing]

• January 5th - FNSF Reopens
• January 7th - Group lessons start

Where can I dance tonight? Let’s celebrate Nemanja’s B.Day

Who is Nemanja?
Nemanja is an amazing gentleman who instructs Salsa and Bachata Dancing at the Flying Dance Community, as well as manages Friday Night Salsa Fix events (FNSF), our popular dance social evening where we relax, and dance the night away.

Last Friday Night Salsa Fix of 2023

Over the past 5 years of dancing with the FDComm, and starting with zero dance skills, Nemanja has developed to be an incredible dancer and instructor and has become an integral part of our dance community. And yes ladies, he dances with everyone. To see more of Nemanja, visit him on Sunday evenings where teaches country line. Very cool!

• December 15th - Join us to celebrate Nemanja’s birthday on the last Friday Night Salsa Fix (FNSF) in 2023


While we're excited to share "Flying Dance Living" with you, we understand if your inbox is already doing the cha-cha with too many emails! If you wish to unsubscribe, simply click below.

We'll miss you but wish you all the best on your life’s dance path.

Thank you for being a part of our dance family. Here's to many more years of shared rhythms and vibrant health!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who's been part of our journey:
• Those who shared a dance, even if just once
• Our cherished friends on this dance journey.
• My loving life partner, your unwavering support.
• Our gracious landlords, a true patron of the arts.

Thank you for 20 wonderful years of dance! 🎉💃🕺

We update some sections regularly and love to keep things fresh and exciting. We hope you enjoy the variety!

P.S. Expect to hear from us weekly in your inbox, with the occasional extra update when something exceptionally great comes up 🥰

♥️ Looking forward to our next connection in your inbox!